The system Dashboard provides the access to status and services, configuration settings, and system-level administration tasks.

The Dashboard is the first screen that appears after you log in to the system Appliance Management interface port (:9443).


The Dashboard provides the access to various system management settings through a set of tabs at the top of the display.


For installations where the vCenter Servers are in linked-mode, the Dashboard includes information from all vCenter Servers registered to a system.

Tab Entry



Displays the appliance status as a set of summary panels:

  • System information and resource usage

  • NSX status

  • vCenter status

  • SSO status

  • Public Access URL status

The panels that are visible in the display depend on the installation type. To change the configuration settings for a panel, click Manage. The system redirects you to the Configuration tab, where you can update the settings.

Appliance Summary

Displays the status of services running on the system:

  • Hybridity Services

  • Common Services

  • System Level Services

Options are provided to stop and restart services. The list of services in the display varies based on the installation type.


Displays the list of service configuration settings.

  • Licensing

  • vCenter

  • SSO

  • Public Access URL

  • vSphere Role Mapping

  • Data Center location

To display the current settings, click an item in the list. To modify the current settings, click Edit.


Displays the list of system-level configuration settings.

  • General Settings

    • Time Settings

    • Syslog Server

    • System Name

  • Network Settings

    • General Network

    • DNS Servers

    • Proxy

    • Static Routes

  • Troubleshooting

    • Technical Support

    • Logs

  • Upgrade

  • Backup & Restore

  • Certificate

    • Trusted CA Certificate

    • Server Certificate

To display or edit the settings, click an item.