Update the system admin or the root passwords from the command line interface.

Note: For information about recovering a password, see HCX Manager Password Recovery.


  1. Login to the HCX Manager as the admin user: ssh admin@IP address.
  2. Enter the admin password.
    The system prompt appears.
    [admin@hcxmgr ~] $
  3. Enter the passwd command.
    [admin@hcxmgr ~]$ passwd

    Follow the prompts to complete the password change.

  4. (Optional) Change the root user password:
    1. At the system prompt, elevate to root user using the su root command:
      The root prompt appears.
      root@hcxmgr /home/admin]#
    2. At the root prompt, enter the passwd command.
      Follow the prompts to complete the password change.

What to do next

Log out and log back in to confirm the change.