You can update the HCX Service Mesh appliance names for either HCX Connector or HCX Cloud Manager.

The HCX Service Mesh, which can comprise the HCX-WAN-IX, HCX-NE, and HCX-WAN-OPT appliances, provides the interconnect services between paired source and destination sites. You can change the appliance names in your environment.
Note: Do not use the same name for appliances in a site pair.


  1. In the HCX Manager UI, navigate to Interconnnect > Service Mesh.
  2. Click View Appliances.
    A list of appliances appears.
  3. Select an appliance from the list, and click the Rename Appliance tab.
  4. Enter the new appliance name, and click Rename.
    HCX initiates the name change operation and syncs the changes with the peer site. To monitor the status of the rename operation, click the Task tab.

What to do next

Repeat the procedure for any further name changes.