For a migration in a failed or canceled state, you can use the Retry option to retry the original migration operation.


Migrations must be in a failed or a canceled state prior to retrying a migration. In the case where the cancelation or failed migration rollback is not complete, as a best practice, perform Force Cleanup before using the Retry option.


  1. Navigate to either the Migration Management or the Migration Tracking screen.
  2. Review the Progress and the Status columns for failed or canceled migrations, and select the migrations to retry.

    From the Migration Management or the Migration Tracking screens, you can select individual migrations to retry. If you have multiple failures or cancelations, and those migrations are part of a migration group, selecting the group retries all failed or canceled migrations in that group.

  3. Click Retry.

    A pop-up window appears prompting you to confirm the retry operation.

  4. Click Retry.

    The system initiates the migration. To view detailed event information, expand the migration entry.