You can update sites running in an evaluation mode to use a dedicated HCX license or activation key.

This procedure is applicable to HCX Connector and HCX Cloud Manager installations where the vCenter Server is not licensed yet licensed for VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF). If the vCenter is licensed for VCF, HCX sites running in evaluation mode automatically interherit that license.


If your site is activated with an evaluation license prior HCX 4.9, that license is updated to Evaluation Mode upon upgrading.


  1. Navigate to the HCX Appliance Management interface: https://hcx-ip-or-fqdn:9443.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration tab.
  3. Select Licensing and Activation.
  4. Enter the NSX Enterprise Plus License or HCX Activation Key, and click Activate.
    The system displays the updated licensing information.
  5. (Optional) If you are also adding the HCX Enterprise license, enter the license and click Add.

What to do next

When you have finished the operation, edit any Compute Profile and Service Mesh entries as necessary.