This section describes the process for gathering logs for VMware Technical Support using a standalone script.

In some cases, gathering system logs through the HCX UI or API calls might be unavailable. For example, if the HCX Manager appliance application or web engine stops or fails to start, you cannot generate the log bundles. You can generate and download the DB Dump and Core HCX log bundle using the standalone script included in this procedure.
Note: The HCX Fleet Appliances IX/NE and OSAM Sentinel logs export option is not available


Root user privilege is required for this procedure.


  1. Using SSH, log in to the HCX Manager as “admin” user and change to “root” user.
  2. Change to the /opt/vmware/tools/ directory.
    # cd /opt/vmware/tools/
  3. Run the utility to review the script usage and options:
    # ./
    Utility script to export Core HCX-Manager Logs and/or the Database Dump
    Syntax: sh [-l|d|h] 
     l Export Core HCX Manager logs
     d Export Database Dump
     h Usage help
  4. Run the script with Core HCX Manager and Database Dump options:
    # ./ -l -d
    The system checks for sufficient disk space, and then exports the bundle under the /tmp/techsupport directory. The bundle filename and location display on the screen.
    Note: Use any file transfer protocols like SFTP/SCP or WinSCP to download the bundle directly from HCX Manager to an external server.
  5. To avoid unnecessary utilization of the disk, delete the bundle from the /tmp/techsupport directory once support bundle has been successfully downloaded to an external server.
    # cd /tmp/techsupport 
    # rm <file name> 

What to do next

For assistance, contact VMware Technical Support.