When migrating content between peer sites, HCX performs a detailed set of actions that are visible in the system as migration events.

Viewing these events provides diagnostic information about the migration. This information provides the detailed migration workflow, the state of the migration, how long the migration remains in a certain state, and whether the migration has succeeded or failed. Understanding what is happening at any point in the migration can provide insight into what infrastructure or configuration changes might be necessary to address any migration issues that might occur.

HCX displays event information for all migration types.


  1. In the HCX dashboard, navigate to Services > Migration > Tracking or, if you have Mobility Groups activated, Services > Migration > Management.

    The system displays a list of completed and ongoing migrations.

  2. For a specific migration in the list, expand the entry.

    The system displays information specific to that migration.

  3. Review the Events portion of the screen display for details about the migration.

    By default, the latest three events are displayed. Use the refresh button to update the list of events.


    While the migration is in progress, the systems provides options for managing the migration, including scheduling the migration switchover, canceling the migration, or forcing a power off.

  4. To display additional details related to the migration, click Show previous events.

    The migration events are color-coded for source and destination events. Destination events are shaded, while source events are not. Each event provides an offset time from the "Start" event.


    Shading is relative to the peer. When viewing the migrations from the peer site, shading appears but is reversed.


    Events that are more than 24 hours old include a date stamp.

    When the migration has finished, event messages indicating that the source and destination sides of the migration have been cleaned up and the migration is complete.



The system displays a list of migrated virtual machines and the migration status.