You can create a template in Horizon Administrator to specify a group of ThinApp applications. You can use templates to group applications together by function, vendor, or any other logical grouping that makes sense in your organization.

With ThinApp templates, you can streamline the distribution of multiple applications. When you assign a ThinApp template to a machine or desktop pool, Horizon Administrator installs all of the applications that are currently in the template.

Creating ThinApp templates is optional.

Note: If you add an application to a ThinApp template after assigning the template to a machine or desktop pool, Horizon Administrator does not automatically assign the new application to the machine or desktop pool. If you remove an application from a ThinApp template that was previously assigned to a machine or desktop pool, the application remains assigned to the machine or desktop pool.


Add selected ThinApp applications to Horizon Administrator.


  1. In Horizon Administrator, select Catalog > ThinApps and click New Template.
  2. Type a name for the template and click Add.
    All of the available ThinApp applications appear in the table.
  3. To find a particular ThinApp application, type the name of the application in the Find text box and click Find.
  4. Select the ThinApp applications that you want to include in the template and click Add.
    You can press Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple applications.
  5. Click OK to save the template.