You can use the vdmadmin command with the -L option to assign machines from a dedicated pool to users.


vdmadmin -L [-b authentication_arguments] -d desktop -m  machine -u domain\user
vdmadmin -L [-b authentication_arguments] -d desktop [-m machine | -u domain\user] -r

Usage Notes

Horizon 7 assigns machines to users when they first connect to a dedicated desktop pool. Under some circumstances, you might want to preassign machines to users. For example, you might want to prepare their system environments in advance of their initial connection. After a user connects to a remote desktop that Horizon 7 assigns from a dedicated pool, the virtual machine that hosts the desktop remains assigned to the user for the life span of the virtual machine. You can assign a user to a single machine in a dedicated pool.

You can assign a machine to any entitled user. You might want to do this when recovering from the loss of View LDAP data on a Connection Server instance, or when you want to change ownership of a particular machine.

After a user connects to a remote desktop that Horizon 7 assigns from a dedicated pool, that remote desktop remains assigned to the user for the life span of the virtual machine that hosts the desktop. You might want to remove the assignment of a machine to a user who has left the organization, who no longer requires access to the desktop, or who will use a desktop in a different desktop pool. You can also remove assignments for all users who access a desktop pool.

Note: The vdmadmin -L command does not assign ownership to View Composer persistent disks. To assign linked-clone desktops with persistent disks to users, use the Assign User menu option in Horizon Administrator.

If you do use vdmadmin -L to assign a linked-clone desktop with a persistent disk to a user, unexpected results can occur in certain situations. For example, if you detach a persistent disk and use it to recreate a desktop, the recreated desktop is not assigned to the owner of the original desktop.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to assign a desktop to a user or to remove an assignment.

Table 1. Options for Assigning Dedicated Desktops
Option Description
-d desktop Specifies the name of the desktop pool.
-m machine Specifies the name of the virtual machine that hosts the remote desktop.
-r Removes an assignment to a specified user, or all assignments to a specified machine.
-u domain\user Specifies the login name and domain of the user.


Assign the machine machine2 in the desktop pool dtpool1 to the user Jo in the CORP domain.

vdmadmin -L -d dtpool1 -m machine2 -u CORP\Jo

Remove the assignments for the user Jo in the CORP domain to desktops in the pool dtpool1.

vdmadmin -L -d dtpool1 -u Corp\Jo -r

Remove all user assignments to the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool3.

vdmadmin -L -d dtpool3 -m machine1 -r