You can use the vdmutil command-line interface to configure and manage the True SSO feature.

Location of the Utility

By default, the path to the vdmutil command executable file is C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin. To avoid entering the path on the command line, add the path to your PATH environment variable.

Syntax and Authentication

Use the following form of the vdmutil command from a Windows command prompt.

vdmutil authentication options --truesso additional options and arguments

The additional options that you can use depend on the command option. This topic focuses on the options for configuring True SSO (--truesso). Following is an example of a command for listing connectors that have been configured for True SSO:

vdmUtil --authAs admin-role-user --authDomain domain-name --authPassword admin-user-password --truesso --list --connector

The vdmutil command includes authentication options to specify the user name, domain, and password to use for authentication.

Table 1. vdmutil Command Authentication Options
Option Description

Name of a Horizon 7 administrator user. Do not use domain\username or user principal name (UPN) format.


Fully qualified domain name or Netbios name of the domain for the Horizon 7 administrator user specified in the --authAs option.


Password for the Horizon 7 administrator user specified in the --authAs option. Entering "*" instead of a password causes the vdmutil command to prompt for the password and does not leave sensitive passwords in the command history on the command line.

You must use the authentication options with all vdmutil command options except for --help and --verbose.

Command Output

The vdmutil command returns 0 when an operation succeeds and a failure-specific non-zero code when an operation fails. The vdmutil command writes error messages to standard error. When an operation produces output, or when verbose logging is enabled by using the --verbose option, the vdmutil command writes output to standard output, in US English.