You can use the vdmadmin command with the -I option to record Horizon 7 event messages in Syslog format in event log files. Many third-party analytics products require flat-file Syslog data as input for their analytics operations.


vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -disable
vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -localOnly
vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -path path
vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -path path 
 -user DomainName\username -password password  

Usage Notes

You can use the command to generate Horizon 7 event log messages in Syslog format. In a Syslog file, Horizon 7 event log messages are formatted in key-value pairs, which makes the logging data accessible to analytics software.

You can also use the vdmadmin command with the -I option to list the available reports and views and to display the contents of a specified report. See Listing and Displaying Reports of Horizon 7 Operation Using the ‑I Option.


You can disable or enable the eventSyslog option. You can direct the Syslog output to the local system only or to another location. Direct UDP connection to a Syslog server is supported with Horizon 7 5.2 or later. See "Configure Event Logging for Syslog Servers" in the Horizon 7 Installation document.

Table 1. Options for Generating Horizon 7 Event Log Messages in Syslog Format
Option Description
-disable Disables Syslog logging.
-e|-enable Enables Syslog logging.
-eventSyslog Specifies that Horizon 7 events are generated in Syslog format.
-localOnly Stores the Syslog output on the local system only. When you use the -localOnly option, the default destination of the Syslog output is %PROGRAMDATA%\VMware\VDM\events\.
-password password Specifies the password for the user that authorizes access to the specified destination path for the Syslog output.
-path Determines the destination UNC path for the Syslog output.
-u|-user DomainName\username Specifies the domain and username that can access the destination path for the Syslog output.


Disable generating Horizon 7 events in Syslog format.

vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -disable

Direct Syslog output of Horizon 7 events to the local system only.

vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -localOnly

Direct Syslog output of Horizon 7 events to a specified path.

vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -path path

Direct Syslog output of Horizon 7 events to a specified path that requires access by an authorized domain user.

vdmadmin -I -eventSyslog -enable -path \\logserver\share\ViewEvents -user mydomain\myuser 
 -password mypassword