You can update Horizon 7 with the current user information that is stored in Active Directory. This feature updates the name, phone, email, user name, and default Windows domain of Horizon 7 users. The trusted external domains are also updated.

Use this feature if you modify the list of trusted external domains in Active Directory, especially if the altered trust relationships between domains affect user permissions in Horizon 7.

This feature scans Active Directory for the latest user information and refreshes the Horizon 7 configuration.

Updating the general user information also resets the number of named users to 0. This number appears on the Product Licensing and Usage page in Horizon Administrator. See Reset Product License Usage Data.

You can also use the vdmadmin command to update user and domain information. See Updating Foreign Security Principals Using the ‑F Option.


Verify that you can log in to Horizon Administrator as an administrator with the Manage Global Configuration and Policies privilege.


  1. In Horizon Administrator, click Users and Groups.
  2. Choose whether to update information for all users or an individual user.
    Option Action
    For all users Click Update General User Information.

    Updating all users and groups can take a long time.

    For an individual user
    1. Click the user name to update.
    2. Click Update General User Information.