You configure a timeout limit that indicates how long to save Horizon Client credential information on mobile devices and Mac client systems by setting a value in View LDAP. The timeout limit is set in minutes. When you change View LDAP on a Connection Server instance, the change is propagated to all replicated Connection Server instances.


See the Microsoft TechNet Web site for information on how to use the ADSI Edit utility on your Windows operating system version.


  1. Start the ADSI Edit utility on your Connection Server host.
  2. In the Connection Settings dialog box, select or connect to DC=vdi,DC=vmware,DC=int.
  3. In the Computer pane, select or type localhost:389 or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Connection Server host followed by port 389.
    For example: localhost:389 or
  4. On the object OU=Properties, OU=Global, CN=Common, edit the pae-ClientCredentialCacheTimeout attribute value.
    When pae-ClientCredentialCacheTimeout is not set or is set to 0, the feature is disabled. To enable this feature, you can set the number of minutes to retain the credential information, or set a value of -1, meaning that there is no timeout.


On Connection Server, the new setting takes effect immediately. You do not need to restart the Connection Server service or the client computer.