You can use the vdmadmin command with the -V option to unlock or lock virtual machines in the data center.


vdmadmin -V [-b authentication_arguments] -e -d desktop -m machine [-m machine] ...
vdmadmin -V [-b authentication_arguments] -e -vcdn vCenter_dn -vmpath inventory_path
vdmadmin -V [-b authentication_arguments] -p -d desktop -m machine [-m machine] ...
vdmadmin -V [-b authentication_arguments] -p -vcdn vCenter_dn -vmpath inventory_path

Usage Notes

You should only use the vdmadmin command to unlock or lock a virtual machine if you encounter a problem that has left a remote desktop in an incorrect state. Do not use the command to administer remote desktops that are operating normally.

If a remote desktop is locked and the entry for its virtual machine no longer exists in ADAM, use the -vmpath and -vcdn options to specify the inventory path of the virtual machine and the vCenter Server. You can use vCenter Client to find out the inventory path of a virtual machine for a remote desktop under Home/Inventory/VMs and Templates. You can use ADAM ADSI Edit to find out the distinguished name of the vCenter Server under the OU=Properties heading.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to unlock or lock virtual machines.

Table 1. Options for Unlocking or Locking Virtual Machines
Option Description
-d desktop Specifies the desktop pool.
-e Unlocks a virtual machine.
-m machine Specifies the name of the virtual machine.
-p Locks a virtual machine.
-vcdn vCenter_dn Specifies the distinguished name of the vCenter Server.
-vmpath inventory_path Specifies the inventory path of the virtual machine.


Unlock the virtual machines machine 1 and machine2 in desktop pool dtpool3.

vdmadmin -V -e -d dtpool3 -m machine1 -m machine2

Lock the virtual machine machine3 in desktop pool dtpool3.

vdmadmin -V -p -d dtpool3 -m machine3