Use the lmvutil command with the --listEntitlements option to list all the users or groups associated with a specific global entitlement.


lmvutil --listEntitlements {--userName domain\username | --groupName domain\groupname | --entitlementName name}

Usage Notes

This command returns an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized or if the specified user, group, or entitlement does not exist.


You can specify these options when you list global entitlement associations.

Table 1. Options for Listing Global Entitlement Associations
Option Description

Name of the user for whom you want to list global entitlements. Use the format domain\username. This option lists all global entitlements associated with the specified user.


Name of the group for which you want to list global entitlements. Use the format domain\groupname. This option lists all global entitlements associated with the specified group.


Name of a global entitlement. This option lists all users and groups in the specified global entitlement.


lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --listEntitlements 
--userName example\adminEast