You can use an inclusion list to specify the domains that Horizon 7 does not exclude from the results of a domain search. All other domains, apart from the primary domain, are removed.
A Connection Server instance is joined to the primary MYDOM domain and has a trusted relationship with the YOURDOM domain. The YOURDOM domain has a trusted relationship with the DEPTX domain.
Display the currently active domains for the Connection Server instance.
C:\ vdmadmin -N -domains -list -active Domain Information (CONSVR) =========================== Primary Domain: MYDOM Domain: MYDOM Domain: YOURDOM Domain: FARDOM DNS: Domain: DEPTX Domain: DEPTY Domain: DEPTZ
The DEPTY and DEPTZ domains appear in the list because they are trusted domains of the DEPTX domain.
Specify that the Connection Server instance should make only the YOURDOM and DEPTX domains available, in addition to the primary MYDOM domain.
vdmadmin -N -domains -include -domain YOURDOM -add vdmadmin -N -domains -include -domain DEPTX -add
Display the currently active domains after including the YOURDOM and DEPTX domains.
C:\ vdmadmin -N -domains -list -active Domain Information (CONSVR) =========================== Primary Domain: MYDOM Domain: MYDOM Domain: YOURDOM Domain: DEPTX
Horizon 7 applies the include list to the results of a domain search. If the domain hierarchy is very complex or network connectivity to some domains is poor, the domain search can be slow. In such cases, use search exclusion instead.