The event database stores information about events that occur in the Connection Server host or group, Horizon Agent, and Horizon Console, and notifies you of the number of events on the dashboard. You can examine the events in detail on the Events page.

Note: Events are listed in the Horizon Console interface for a limited time period. After this time, the events are only available in the historical database tables. You can use Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle database reporting tools to examine events in the database tables. For more information, see the Horizon 7 Integration document.
Note: If the event database becomes unavailable, Horizon 7 by default logs the audit events that occur during this period of unavailability to a file. The default destination of the file is %PROGRAMDATA%\VMware\VDM\events\. These events are not currently written back into the event database or syslog..

In addition to monitoring events in Horizon Console, you can generate Horizon 7 events in Syslog format so that the event data can be accessible to analytics software. See Configure Event Logging to File or Syslog Server in Horizon Console and "Generating Horizon 7 Event Log Messages in Syslog Format Using the ‑I Option," in the Horizon 7 Installation document.

If you configure an event database for multiple Connection Servers, Horizon Console displays the events for all Connection Servers on the Events page. Horizon Console filters events based on the tasks that you perform and displays these events on relevant pages such as the Desktop Pools or Application Pools pages.


Create and configure the event database as described in the Horizon 7 Installation document.


  1. In Horizon Console, select Monitor > Events.
  2. (Optional) On the Events page, you can select the time range of the events, apply filtering to the events, and sort the listed events by one or more of the columns.

What to do next

In Horizon Console, navigate to a desktop or application pool, virtual machine, persistent disk, or a user or group and click the Events tab to view specific events.