You can use Horizon Console to edit external URLs for Connection Server instances.
By default, a Connection Server host can be contacted only by tunnel clients that reside within the same network. Tunnel clients that run outside of your network must use a client-resolvable URL to connect to a Connection Server host.
When users connect to remote desktops with the PCoIP display protocol, Horizon Client can make a further connection to the PCoIP Secure Gateway on the Connection Server host. To use the PCoIP Secure Gateway, a client system must have access to an IP address that allows the client to reach the Connection Server host. You specify this IP address in the PCoIP external URL.
A third URL allows users to make secure connections through the Blast Secure Gateway.
The secure tunnel external URL, PCoIP external URL, and Blast external URL must be the addresses that client systems use to reach this host.
The external URLs are updated immediately. You do not need to restart the Connection Server for the changes to take effect.