You can import the backup files for your View Composer configuration into the View Composer database that stores linked-clone information.

You can use the SviConfig restoredata command to restore View Composer database data after a system failure or to revert your View Composer configuration to an earlier state.

Important: Only experienced View Composer administrators should use the SviConfig utility. This utility is intended to resolve issues relating to the View Composer service.


Verify the location of the View Composer database backup files. By default, Horizon 7 stores the backup files on the C: drive of the Connection Server computer, at C:\Programdata\VMWare\VDM\backups.

View Composer backup files use a naming convention with a date stamp and an .svi suffix.

Backup-YearMonthDayCount-vCenter Server Name_Domain Name.svi

For example: Backup-20090304000010-foobar_test_org.svi

Familiarize yourself with the SviConfig restoredata parameters:

  • DsnName - The DSN that is used to connect to the database. The DsnName parameter is mandatory and cannot be an empty string.
  • Username - The user name that is used to connect to the database. If this parameter is not specified, Windows authentication is used.
  • Password - The password for the user that connects to the database. If this parameter is not specified and Windows authentication is not used, you are prompted to enter the password later.
  • BackupFilePath - The path to the View Composer backup file.

The DsnName and BackupFilePath parameters are required and cannot be empty strings. The Username and Password parameters are optional.


  1. Copy the View Composer backup files from the Connection Server computer to a location that is accessible from the computer where the VMware View Composer service is installed.
  2. On the computer where View Composer is installed, stop the VMware View Composer service.
  3. Open a Windows command prompt and navigate to the SviConfig executable file.
    The file is located with the View Composer application. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware View Composer\sviconfig.exe.
  4. Run the SviConfig restoredata command.
    sviconfig -operation=restoredata
    For example:
    sviconfig -operation=restoredata -dsnname=LinkedClone
    -username=Admin -password=Pass 
    -backupfilepath="C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware View 
  5. Start the VMware View Composer service.

What to do next

For output result codes for the SviConfig restoredata command, see Result Codes for Restoring the View Composer Database.