You can run the client from the command line or use a script to connect a client to a remote session.
You would usually use a command script to run Horizon Client on a deployed client device.
Note: On a Windows or Mac client, by default USB devices on the client are not forwarded automatically if they are in use by another application or service when the remote desktop session starts. On all clients, human interface devices (HIDs) and smart card readers are not forwarded by default.
- ♦ To connect to a remote session, type the appropriate command for your platform.
If the server authenticates the kiosk client and a remote desktop is available, the command starts the remote session.
Example: Running Horizon Client on Clients in Kiosk Mode
Run Horizon Client on a Windows client whose account name is based on its MAC address, and which has an automatically generated password.
C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\vmware-view.exe -unattended -serverURL
Run Horizon Client on a Linux client using an assigned name and password.
vmware-view -unattended -s --once -u custom-Terminal21 -p "Secret1!"