You can use the vdmadmin command with the -I option to list the available reports of Horizon 7 operation and to display the results of running one of these reports.


vdmadmin -I [-b authentication_arguments] -list [-xml] [-w | -n]
vdmadmin -I [-b authentication_arguments] -report report -view view [-startdate yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss][-enddate yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss] [-w | -n] -xml | -csv

Usage Notes

You can use the command to display the available reports and views, and to display the information that Horizon 7 has recorded for a specified report and view.

You can also use the vdmadmin command with the -I option to generate Horizon 7 log messages in syslog format. See Generating Horizon 7 Event Log Messages in Syslog Format Using the ‑I Option.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to list and display reports and views.

Table 1. Options for Listing and Displaying Reports and Views
Option Description
-enddate yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss Specifies a upper limit for the date of information to be displayed.
-list Lists the available reports and views.
-report report Specifies a report.
-startdate yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss Specifies a lower limit for the date of information to be displayed.
-view view Specifies a view.


List the available reports and views in XML using Unicode characters.

vdmadmin -I -list -xml -w

Display a list of user events that occurred since August 1, 2010 as comma-separated values using ASCII characters.

vdmadmin -I -report events -view user_events -startdate 2010-08-01-00:00:00 -csv -n