Complete these high-level tasks to install Horizon 7 and configure an initial deployment.


Review the system requirements for all of the Horizon 7 components that you plan to install. For more information, see System Requirements for Server Components and System Requirements for Guest Operating Systems.


  1. Set up the required administrator users and groups in Active Directory.
  2. If you have not yet done so, install and set up VMware ESXi servers and vCenter Server.
    See the VMware vSphere documentation on the VMware Documentation Web site.
  3. If you are going to deploy linked-clone desktops, install View Composer.
  4. Install and set up Horizon Connection Server.
  5. Configure SSL certificates for Horizon 7 servers. See Configuring SSL Certificates for Horizon 7 Servers.
  6. Complete the initial set-up of your Horizon 7 environment. See Configuring Horizon 7 for the First Time.
  7. Create desktop pools that run on VDI-based single-user machines.
    1. Create one or more virtual machines that can be used as a template for full-clone desktop pools or as a parent for linked-clone desktop pools.
    2. To create a full-clone desktop pool, see Creating Automated Desktop Pools That Contain Full Virtual Machines.
    3. To create a linked-clone desktop pool, see Creating Linked-Clone Desktop Pools.
    4. To create a manual desktop pool, see Creating Manual Desktop Pools.
  8. Create desktop and application pools that run on session-based Remote Desktop Services (RDS) hosts.
    1. Prepare RDS hosts to support desktop and application sessions. See Setting Up Remote Desktop Services Hosts.
    2. Create one or more farms. See Creating Farms.
    3. Create application pools. See Creating Application Pools.
    4. Create RDS desktop pools. See Creating RDS Desktop Pools.
  9. Control user access to desktops and applications.
  10. Install Horizon Client on end users' machines and mobile devices and have end users access their remote desktops and applications.


Your initial configuration of Horizon 7 is completed.

What to do next

After you have successfully installed and configured your Horizon 7 environment, you can perform the following additional configuration tasks.