You use Horizon Administrator to configure the use of the secure tunnel and PCoIP Secure Gateway. These components ensure that only authenticated users can communicate with remote desktops and applications.

Clients that use the PCoIP display protocol can use the PCoIP Secure Gateway. Clients that use the RDP display protocol can use the secure tunnel.

For information about configuring the Blast Secure Gateway, see Configure the Blast Secure Gateway.

Important: A typical network configuration that provides secure connections for external clients includes a security server. To enable or disable the secure tunnel and PCoIP Secure Gateway on a security server, you must edit the Connection Server instance that is paired with the security server.

In a network configuration in which external clients connect directly to a Connection Server host, you enable or disable the secure tunnel and PCoIP Secure Gateway by editing that Connection Server instance in Horizon Administrator.


  • If you intend to enable the PCoIP Secure Gateway, verify that the Connection Server instance and paired security server are View 4.6 or later.
  • If you pair a security server to a Connection Server instance on which you already enabled the PCoIP Secure Gateway, verify that the security server is View 4.6 or later.


  1. In Horizon Administrator, select View Configuration > Servers.
  2. In the Connection Servers panel, select a Connection Server instance and click Edit.
  3. Configure use of the secure tunnel.
    Option Description
    Disable the secure tunnel Deselect Use secure tunnel connection to machine.
    Enable the secure tunnel Select Use secure tunnel connection to machine.
    The secure tunnel is enabled by default.
  4. Configure use of the PCoIP Secure Gateway.
    Option Description
    Enable the PCoIP Secure Gateway Select Use PCoIP Secure Gateway for PCoIP connections to machine.
    Disable the PCoIP secure Gateway Deselect Use PCoIP Secure Gateway for PCoIP connections to machine.
    The PCoIP Secure Gateway is disabled by default.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.