You create an event database by adding it to an existing database server. You can then use enterprise reporting software to analyze the events in the database.

Deploy the database server for the event database on a dedicated server, so that event logging activity does not affect provisioning and other activities that are critical for Horizon 7 deployments.
Note: You do not need to create an ODBC data source for this database.



  1. Add a new database to the server and give it a descriptive name such as HorizonEvents.
    For an Oracle 12c or 11g database, also provide an Oracle System Identifier (SID), which you will use when you configure the event database in Horizon Administrator.
  2. Add a user for this database that has permission to create tables, views, and, in the case of Oracle, triggers and sequences, as well as permission to read from and write to these objects.
    For a Microsoft SQL Server database, do not use the Integrated Windows Authentication security model method of authentication. Be sure to use the SQL Server Authentication method of authentication.


The database is created, but the schema is not installed until you configure the database in Horizon Administrator.

What to do next

Follow the instructions in Configure the Event Database.