Administrators use Horizon Administrator to configure Horizon Connection Server, deploy and manage remote desktops and applications, control user authentication, initiate and examine system events, and carry out analytical activities. Client systems that run Horizon Administrator must meet certain requirements.

Horizon Administrator is a Web-based application that is installed when you install Connection Server. You can access and use Horizon Administrator with the following Web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9 (not recommended)
  • Internet Explorer 10
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Firefox (latest supported versions)
  • Chrome (latest supported versions)
  • Safari 6 and later releases
  • Microsoft Edge (Windows 10)

To use Horizon Administrator with your Web browser, you must install Adobe Flash Player 10.1 or later. Your client system must have access to the Internet to allow Adobe Flash Player to be installed.

The computer on which you launch Horizon Administrator must trust the root and intermediate certificates of the server that hosts Connection Server. The supported browsers already contain certificates for all of the well-known certificate authorities (CAs). If your certificates come from a CA that is not well known, you must follow the instructions in Configure Client Endpoints to Trust Root and Intermediate Certificates.

To display text properly, Horizon Administrator requires Microsoft-specific fonts. If your Web browser runs on a non-Windows operating system such as Linux, UNIX, or Mac, make sure that Microsoft-specific fonts are installed on your computer.

Currently, the Microsoft Web site does not distribute Microsoft fonts, but you can download them from independent Web sites.