Attempts by Horizon Clients to connect to Horizon 7 servers over HTTP are silently redirected to HTTPS. In some deployments, you might want to prevent users from entering http:// in their Web browsers and force them to use HTTPS. To prevent HTTP redirection for Horizon Clients, you must configure the file on the Horizon 7 server.

Note: This procedure has no effect if you off-load SSL to an intermediate device. With SSL off-loading in place, the HTTP port on the Horizon 7 server provides service to clients.


  1. Create or edit the file in the SSL gateway configuration folder on the Connection Server or security server computer.
    For example: install_directory\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf\
    The properties in the file are case sensitive.
  2. Add the following lines to the file:
  3. Restart the Connection Server service or security server service to make your changes take effect.