Horizon 7 uses database tables to implement the event database. The event database prepends the names of these tables with a prefix that you define when you set up the database.
Event Database Tables
The following table shows the database tables that implement the event database in Horizon 7.
Table Name | Description |
event | Metadata and search optimization data for recent events. |
event_data | Data values for recent events. |
event_data_historical | Data values for all events. |
event_historical | Metadata and search optimization data for all events. |
Horizon 7 records details about events to all the database tables. After a certain period of time has elapsed since writing an event record, Horizon 7 deletes the record from the event and event_data tables. You can use Horizon Administrator to configure the time period for which the database keeps a record in the event and event_data tables.
A unique primary key, EventID, identifies each event that Horizon 7 records in the event and event_historical tables. Horizon 7 records data values for each event in the event_data and event_data_historical tables. You can obtain the complete set of information for an event by joining the event and event_data tables or the event_ historical and event_data_historical tables on the EventID column.
The EventType, Severity, and Time columns in the event and event_historical tables identify the type and severity of an event and the time at which it occurred.
For information about setting up the event database, see the Horizon 7 Installation document.
Event Database Schemas
The following table shows the schema for the event and event_historical database tables.
Column Name | Oracle Data Type | SQL Server Data Type | Description |
Acknowledged | SMALLINT | tinyint | Whether Horizon 7 acknowledged the event.
DesktopId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Desktop ID of the associated pool. |
EventID | INTEGER | int | Unique primary key for the event. |
EventType | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Event name that corresponds to an item in the message catalog. For example, BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN. |
FolderPath | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Full path of the folder that contains the associated object. |
GroupId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | SID of the associated group in Active Directory. |
LUNId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | ID of the LUN that stores the associated object. |
MachineId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | ID of the associated physical or virtual machine. |
Module | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Horizon 7 component that raised the event. For example, Admin, Broker, Tunnel, Framework, Client, or Agent. |
ModuleAndEventText | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Event message with values substituted for attribute parameters. |
Node | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Name of the virtual device node. |
Severity | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Severity level. For example, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, AUDIT_SUCCESS, AUDIT_FAIL. |
Source | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Identifier for the source of the event. |
ThinAppId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | ID of the associated ThinApp™ object. |
Time | TIMESTAMP | datetime | Time at which the event occurred, measured from the epoch (January 1, 1970). |
UserDiskPathId | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | ID of the user disk. |
UserSID | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | SID of the associated user in Active Directory. |
The following table shows the schema for the event_data and event_data_historical database tables.
Column Name | Oracle Data Type | SQL Server Data Type | Description |
BooleanValue | SMALLINT | tinyint | Value of a Boolean attribute.
EventID | INTEGER | int | Unique primary key for the event. |
IntValue | INTEGER | int | Value of an integer attribute. |
Name | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Attribute name (for example, UserDisplayName). |
StrValue | NVARCHAR2(512) | nvarchar(512) | Value of a string attribute. For other types of attributes, this column contains an interpretation of the data type as a string. |
TimeValue | TIMESTAMP | datetime | Value of a date and time attribute. |
Type | SMALLINT | tinyint | The data type of the attribute.