The RDS Application Compatibility group policy settings control Windows installer compatibility, remote desktop IP virtualization, network adapter selection, and the use of the RDS host IP address.

Table 1. RDS Application Compatibility Group Policy Settings
Setting Description
Turn off Windows Installer RDS Compatibility

This policy setting specifies whether Windows Installer RDS Compatibility runs on a per user basis for fully installed applications. Windows Installer allows one instance of the msiexec process to run at a time. By default, Windows Installer RDS Compatibility is turned on.

If you enable this policy setting, Windows Installer RDS Compatibility is turned off, and only one instance of the msiexec process can run at a time.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Windows Installer RDS Compatibility is turned on, and multiple per user application installation requests are queued and handled by the msiexec process in the order in which they are received.

Turn on Remote Desktop IP Virtualization

This policy setting specifies whether Remote Desktop IP Virtualization is turned on.

By default, Remote Desktop IP Virtualization is turned off.

If you enable this policy setting, Remote Desktop IP Virtualization is turned on. You can select the mode in which this setting is applied. If you are using Per Program mode, you must enter a list of programs to use virtual IP addresses. List each program on a separate line (do not enter any blank lines between programs). For example:


If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Remote Desktop IP Virtualization is turned off.

Select the network adapter to be used for Remote Desktop IP Virtualization

This policy setting specifies the IP address and network mask that corresponds to the network adapter used for virtual IP addresses. The IP address and network mask should be entered in Classless Inter-Domain Routing notation. For example:

If you enable this policy setting, the specified IP address and network mask are used to select the network adapter used for the virtual IP addresses.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Remote Desktop IP Virtualization is turned off. A network adapter must be configured for Remote Desktop IP Virtualization to work.

Do not use Remote Desktop Session Host server IP address when virtual IP address is not available

This policy setting specifies whether a session uses the IP address of the RDS host if a virtual IP address is not available.

If you enable this policy setting, the IP address of the RDS host is not used if a virtual IP is not available. The session will not have network connectivity.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the IP address of the RDS host is used if a virtual IP is not available.