If you are a domain user who does not have Administrator privileges on the Active Directory server, you can alternatively configure Flash Redirection by setting the appropriate values in Windows Registry keys on the remote desktop.

You can use this procedure as an alternative to using group policy settings to configure Flash Redirection.


  • To ensure that only the URLs specified in the list can redirect Flash content, compile a white list of websites. You cannot use the Windows registry settings to enable a black list. To enable a black list, use the group policy settings for Flash Redirection.
  • Verify that Horizon Agent 7.0 or later, Flash Player, and Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11 are installed in the remote desktop. See System Requirements for Flash Redirection.
  • Verify that Horizon Client 4.0 or later and Flash Player ActiveX version are installed in the client system.


  1. Use Horizon Client to access the remote desktop.
  2. Open the Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe) on the remote desktop, navigate to the HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware FlashMMR folder, and set FlashRedirection to 1.
    Note: This setting enables the Flash Redirection feature. If this setting is disabled (set to 0) in HKLM\Software\Policies\VMware, Inc.\VMware FlashMMR, Flash Redirection is disabled domain-wide and requires a domain administrator to enable it.
  3. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware FlashMMR folder.
    If this folder does not exist, create it.
  4. In the VMware FlashMMR folder, create a subkey named UrlWhiteList.
  5. Right-click the UrlWhiteList key, select New > String Value, and enter the URL of a website that uses Flash Redirection for the name.
    You can use regular expressions. For example, you can specify https://*.google.com. Leave the Data value empty.
  6. (Optional) In the data field of the new registry value, add the data requireIECompatibility=true, appMode=0, or both.
    Use a comma to separate the two strings. By default, external interface support is enabled when Flash Redirection runs and can degrade performance. In certain situations, setting appMode=0 can improve performance, and setting appMode=1 can result in a better user experience.
  7. To add additional URLs, repeat the previous step and then close the Registry Editor.
  8. On the remote desktop, open a command prompt and navigate to the %Program Files%\Common Files\VMware\Remote Experience directory.
  9. To add the white list to Internet Explorer, run the cscript mergeflashmmrwhitelist.vbs command.
  10. Restart Internet Explorer.
    The sites set that have the parameter requireIECompatibility=true are added to Internet Explorer's compatibility view. To verify the sites in compatibility view, select Tools > Compatibility View Settings from the menu bar.

    The sites are also added to Internet Explorer's list of trusted sites. To verify the trusted sites, select Tools > Internet Options from the Internet Explorer menu bar and click Sites on the Security tab.