You can configure the PCoIP display protocol to use an encoding approach called progressive build, or build-to-lossless, which works to provide the optimal overall user experience even under constrained network conditions. This feature is turned off by default.

The build-to-lossless feature provides a highly compressed initial image, called a lossy image, that is then progressively built to a full lossless state. A lossless state means that the image appears with the full fidelity intended.

On a LAN, PCoIP always displays text using lossless compression. If the build-to-lossless feature is turned on, and if available bandwidth per session drops below 1Mbs, PCoIP initially displays a lossy text image and rapidly builds the image to a lossless state. This approach allows the desktop to remain responsive and display the best possible image during varying network conditions, providing an optimal experience for users.

The build-to-lossless feature provides the following characteristics:

  • Dynamically adjusts image quality
  • Reduces image quality on congested networks
  • Maintains responsiveness by reducing screen update latency
  • Resumes maximum image quality when the network is no longer congested

You can turn on the build-to-lossless feature by disabling the Turn off Build-to-Lossless feature group policy setting. See PCoIP Bandwidth Settings.