Set a whitelist to restrict user agents that can interact with Horizon 7. By default, all user agents are accepted.

Note: This is not strictly a security feature. User agent detection relies on the user-agent request header provided by the connecting client or browser, which can be spoofed. Some browsers allow the request header to be modified by the user.

A user agent is specified by its name and a minimum version. For example:

clientWhitelist-portal.1 = Chrome-14
clientWhitelist-portal.2 = Safari-5.1

This means that only Google Chrome version 14 and later, and Safari version 5.1 and later are allowed to connect using HTML Access. All browsers can connect to other services.

You can enter the following recognised user agent names:

  • Android
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • IE
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
Note: Not all of these user agents are supported by Horizon 7. These are examples.