Effective in Horizon 7 version 7.0.3, View Composer has the basic access authentication method for web security enabled by default. For enhanced security, you can enable the digest access authentication method for View Composer.


  • Verify that you have View Composer 7.0.3 or a later release installed.
  • Verify that you can log in to the View Composer machine as an Administrator.
  • Verify that you have Connection Server 7.0.3 or later installed.


  1. Navigate to the directory were View Composer is installed.
  2. Edit the SviWebservice.exe.config file.
  3. For the SslPoxBinding configuration option, set authenticationScheme="Digest".
  4. For the SslBasicAtuth configuration option, set clientCredentialType="Digest".
  5. Save and close the SviWebservice.exe.config file.
  6. Edit the SviConfig.exe.config file.
  7. For the SslSviBinding configuration option, set clientCredentialType="Digest".
  8. Save and close the SviConfig.exe.config file.
  9. Restart the View Composer service.
    1. Start the Windows Services tool by entering services.msc at the command prompt.
    2. From the list of services, right-click the service you want to restart. For example, right-click VMware Horizon Composer 7.0.3.
    3. Click Restart .