The restricted entitlements feature uses tag matching to determine whether a Connection Server instance can access a particular desktop pool.

At the most basic level, tag matching determines that a Connection Server instance that has a specific tag can access a desktop pool that has the same tag.

The absence of tag assignments can also affect whether a Connection Server instance can access a desktop pool. For example, Connection Server instances that do not have any tags can access only desktop pools that also do not have any tags.

Tag Matching Rules shows how the restricted entitlement feature determines when a Connection Server can access a desktop pool.

Table 1. Tag Matching Rules
View Connection Server Desktop Pool Access Permitted?
No tags No tags Yes
No tags One or more tags No
One or more tags No tags Yes
One or more tags One or more tags Only when tags match

The restricted entitlements feature only enforces tag matching. You must design your network topology to force certain clients to connect through a particular Connection Server instance.