If a datastore is out of disk space, or you do not have permission to access the datastore, provisioning of a desktop pool can fail.


Provisioning of a desktop pool fails, and you see one of the following error messages in the event database.

  • Provisioning error occurred for Machine Machine_Name: Cloning failed for Machine
  • Provisioning error occurred on Pool Desktop_ID because available free disk space is reserved for linked clones
  • Provisioning error occurred on Pool Desktop_ID because of a resource problem


You do not have permission to access the selected datastore, or the datastore being used for the pool is out of disk space.


  • Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the selected datastore.
  • Verify whether the disk on which the datastore is configured is full.
  • If the disk is full or the space is reserved, free up space on the disk, rebalance the available datastores, or migrate the datastore to a larger disk.