If a template is not available or a virtual machine image has been moved or deleted, provisioning of a desktop pool can fail.


A desktop pool is not provisioned, and you see the following message in the event database.

Provisioning error occurred on Pool Desktop_ID because of a configuration problem


This problem has a number of possible causes.

  • A template is not accessible.
  • The name of a template has been changed in vCenter.
  • A template has been moved to a different folder in vCenter.
  • A virtual machine image has been moved between ESX/ESXi hosts, or it has been deleted.


  • Verify that the template is accessible.
  • Verify that the correct name and folder are specified for the template.
  • If a virtual machine image has been moved between ESX/ESXi hosts, move the virtual machine to the correct vCenter folder.
  • If a virtual machine image has been deleted, delete the entry for the virtual machine in View Administrator and recreate or restore the image.