To use Horizon Persona Management with Horizon 7 desktops, you must create desktop pools with a Horizon Persona Management agent installed on each machine.

You cannot use Horizon Persona Management on RDS desktop pools, which run on Remote Desktop Services (RDS) hosts.


  • Verify that Horizon Agent with the VMware Horizon 7 Persona Management setup option is installed on the virtual machine that you use to create the desktop pool. See Install Horizon Agent with the Horizon Persona Management Option.
  • If you intend to configure Horizon Persona Management policies for this desktop pool only, verify that you added the Horizon Persona Management ADMX template file to the virtual machine and configured group policy settings in the Local Computer Policy configuration.


  • Generate a snapshot or template from the virtual machine and create an automated desktop pool.
    You can configure Horizon Persona Management with pools that contain full virtual machines or linked clones. The pools can use dedicated or floating assignments.
  • (Optional) To use Horizon Persona Management with manual desktop pools, select machines on which Horizon Agent with the VMware Horizon 7 Persona Management option is installed.


Note: After you deploy Horizon Persona Management on your Horizon desktop pools, if you remove the VMware Horizon 7 Persona Management setup option on the Horizon machines, or uninstall Horizon Agent altogether, the local user profiles are removed from the machines of users who are not currently logged in. For users who are currently logged in, the user profiles are downloaded from the remote profile repository during the uninstall process.