You can standardize on stateless desktop images for task workers so that the image is always in a well-known, easily supportable configuration and so that workers can log in to any available desktop.

Because task workers perform repetitive tasks within a small set of applications, you can create stateless desktop images, which help conserve storage space and processing requirements.

Use the following pool settings for instant-clone desktop pools:

  • For instant clone pools, to optimize resource utilization, use on demand provisioning to grow or shrink the pool based on usage. Be sure to specify enough spare desktops to satisfy the login rate.
  • For instant clone desktop pools, Horizon 7 automatically deletes the instant clone whenever a user logs out. A new instant clone is created and ready for the next user to log in, thus effectively refreshing the desktop on every log out.

Use the following pool settings for View Composer linked-clone desktop pools:

  • For View Composer desktop pools, determine what action, if any, to take when users log off. Disks grow over time. You can conserve disk space by refreshing the desktop to its original state when users log off. You can also set a schedule for periodically refreshing desktops. For example, you can schedule desktops to refresh daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • If applicable, and if you use View Composer linked-clone pools, consider storing desktops on local ESXi data stores. This strategy can offer advantages such as inexpensive hardware, fast virtual-machine provisioning, high-performance power operations, and simple management. For a list of the limitations, see Storing Composer Linked Clones on Local Datastores.
    Note: For information about other types of storage options, see Reducing and Managing Storage Requirements.
  • Use the Persona Management feature so that users always have their preferred desktop appearance and application settings, as with Windows user profiles. If you do not have the desktops set to be refreshed or deleted at logoff, you can configure the persona to be removed at logoff.
    Important: Persona Management facilitates implementing a floating-assignment pool for those users who want to retain settings between sessions. Previously, one of the limitations of floating-assignment desktops was that when end users logged off, they lost all their configuration settings and any data stored in the remote desktop.

    Each time end users logged on, their desktop background was set to the default wallpaper, and they would have to configure each application's preferences again. With Persona Management, an end user of a floating-assignment desktop cannot tell the difference between their session and a session on a dedicated-assignment desktop.

Use the following general pool settings for all desktop pools:

  • Create an automated pool so that desktops can be created when the pool is created or can be generated on demand based on pool usage.
  • Use floating assignment so that users log in to any available desktop. This setting reduces the number of desktops required if everyone does not need to be logged in at the same time.
  • Create instant-clone or View Composer linked-clone desktops so that desktops share the same base image and use less storage space in the data center than full virtual machines.