You can perform a restart operation on a virtual desktop, which performs a graceful operating system restart of the virtual machine. You can perform a reset operation on a virtual machine without the graceful operating system restart, which performs a hard power-off and power-on of the virtual machine.

Table 1. Reset and Restart Functionality
Pool Type Reset Functionality

(Pools, Machines, Sessions, and Horizon Clients)

Restart Functionality

(Pools, Machines, Sessions, and Horizon Clients)

Manual Pool Reset the VM (Power Off and Power On VM) Restart the VM (Graceful OS restart)
Full-clone pool (dedicated pool and floating pool without delete on logOff option enabled) Reset the VM (Power Off and Power On VM) Restart the VM (Graceful OS restart)
Full-clone pool (floating pool with delete on logOff option enabled) Power Off VM > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On Graceful OS shut down > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On
Linked-clone pool (dedicated pool and floating pool without refresh/delete on logOff option enabled) Reset the VM (Power Off and Power On) Restart the VM (Graceful OS restart)
Linked-clone pool (floating pool with refresh on logOff option enabled) Power Off VM > Refresh VM > Power On Graceful OS shut down > Refresh VM > Power On
Linked-clone pool (floating pool with delete on logOff option enabled) Power Off VM > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On Graceful OS shut down > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On
Instant-clone pool (floating pool) Power Off VM > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On Graceful OS shut down > Delete VM > Create new VM > Power On
Instant-clone pool (dedicated pool) Resync Resync
Published desktop pools NA (Not Supported) NA (Not Supported)
Note: The restart functionality is available for Horizon Clients 4.4 and later.


  1. In Horizon Administrator, select Resources > Machines.
  2. On the vCenter VMs tab, choose to restart a virtual desktop or reset a virtual machine.
    Option Description
    Restart Desktop Restarts the virtual machine with a graceful operating system restart. This action applies only to an automated pool or a manual pool that contains vCenter Server virtual machines.
    Reset Virtual Machine Resets the virtual machine without a graceful operating system restart. This action applies only to an automated pool or a manual pool that contains vCenter Server virtual machines.
  3. Click OK.