The logging group policy settings determine the name, location, and behavior of the Horizon Persona Management log files.

The following table describes each logging group policy setting.

All these settings are in the Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > VMware View Agent Configuration > Persona Management > Logging folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Group Policy Setting Description
Logging filename Specifies the full pathname of the local Horizon Persona Management log file.

The default path is ProgramData\VMware\VDM\logs\filename.

The default logging filename is VMWVvp.txt.

Logging destination Determines whether to write all log messages to the log file, the debug port, or both destinations.

By default, logging messages are sent to the log file.

Logging flags Specifies the type of log messages that are generated.
  • Log information messages.
  • Log debug messages.

When this setting is disabled or not configured, and by default when the setting is configured, log messages are set to information level.

Log history depth Determines the number of historical log files that Horizon Persona Management maintains.

You can set a minimum of one and a maximum of 10 historical log files to be maintained.

By default, one historical log file is maintained.

Upload log to network Uploads the Horizon Persona Management log file to the specified network share when the user logs off.

When this setting is enabled, specify the network share path. The network share path must be a UNC path. Horizon Persona Management does not create the network share.

By default, the log file is not uploaded to the network share.

Log File Size When enabled Persona maintains the size of log filles.

Default is 100MB, minimum is 10MB, and maximum is 1024MB.

If disabled or not configured, 100MB is used as default.

Debug flags Specifies the type of debug messages that are generated.

Debug messages are handled the same as log messages.

By default, debug messages are turned off.

Logging flags Specifies the type of log messages that are generated.

By default, log messages are set to information level.