You can display a list of the machines whose operation View has detected as being suspect.

View Administrator displays machines that exhibit the following problems:

  • Are powered on, but which are not responding.
  • Remain in the provisioning state for a long time.
  • Are ready, but which report that they are not accepting connections.
  • Appear to be missing from a vCenter Server.
  • Have active logins on the console, logins by users who are not entitled, or logins not made via a View Connection Server instance.


  1. In View Administrator, select Resources > Machines.
  2. On the vCenter VMs tab, click Problem Machines.

What to do next

The action that you should take depends on the problem that View Administrator reports for a machine.

  • If a linked-clone machine is in an error state, the View automatic recovery mechanism attempts to power on, or shut down and restart, the linked clone. If repeated recovery attempts fail, the linked clone is deleted. In certain situations, a linked clone might be repeatedly deleted and recreated. See Troubleshooting Machines That Are Repeatedly Deleted and Recreated.
  • If a machine is powered on, but does not respond, restart its virtual machine. If the machine still does not respond, verify that the version of the Horizon Agent is supported for the machine operating system. You can use the vdmadmin command with the -A option to display the Horizon Agent version. For more information, see the View Administration document.
  • If a machine remains in the provisioning state for a long time, delete its virtual machine, and clone it again. Verify that there is sufficient disk space to provision the machine. See Virtual Machines Are Stuck in the Provisioning State.
  • If a machine reports that it is ready, but does not accept connections, check the firewall configuration to make sure that the display protocol is not blocked. See Connection Problems Between Machines and Horizon Connection Server Instances.
  • If a machine appears to be missing from a vCenter Server, verify whether its virtual machine is configured on the expected vCenter Server, or if it has been moved to another vCenter Server.
  • If a machine has an active login, but this is not on the console, the session must be remote. If you cannot contact the logged-in users, you might need to restart the virtual machine to forcibly log out the users.