You can customize and use the following sample script to upgrade Horizon Agent on multiple Linux virtual machines (VMs).

This script uploads the installer tar ball to each VM before installing Horizon Agent. The upload task can be time-consuming, especially when a large number of VMs is involved and the network speed is slow. To save time, you can run the script that uses SSH, or put the installer tar ball in a shared location that is available to each VM so that uploading the file is not necessary.

To copy and paste the script content without page breaks, use the HTML version of this topic, available from the Horizon 7 documentation page at

Script Input

This script reads one input file, which is described in Input File for the Sample PowerCLI Scripts to Deploy Linux Desktops. This script also interactively asks for the following information:

  • Acceptance of Horizon Agent EULA (end user license agreement)
  • IP address of the vCenter Server
  • Administrator login name for the vCenter Server
  • Administrator password for the vCenter Server
  • Administrator login name for the ESXi host
  • Administrator password for the ESXi host
  • User login name for the Linux guest operating system
  • User password for the Linux guest operating system
  • Horizon Agent tar ball path
  • Upgrade to managed VM
  • Install the Smartcard redirection feature

Script Content

Upload the Linux Agent installer tar ball and re-install

function GetInput
    Param($prompt, $IsPassword = $false)
    $prompt = $prompt + ": "
    Write-Host $prompt -NoNewLine
    [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Blue"
    if ($IsPassword)
        $input = Read-Host -AsSecureString
        $input = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($input))
        $input = Read-Host
    return $input
#-----------------------------------------------------Handle input-------------------------------------------------------------------
$acceptEULA = GetInput -prompt 'Accept Linux Horizon Agent EULA in tar bundle ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if ($acceptEULA -ne "yes")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need accept the EULA with 'yes'(case sensitive)"
$vcAddress = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter address" -IsPassword $false
$vcAdmin = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user name" -IsPassword $false
$vcPassword = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user password" -IsPassword $true
$hostAdmin = GetInput -prompt 'Your ESXi host admin user name, such as root' -IsPassword $false
$hostPassword = GetInput -prompt "Your ESXi admin user password" -IsPassword $true
$guestUser = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user name' -IsPassword $false
$guestPassword = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user password' -IsPassword $true
$agentInstaller = GetInput -prompt 'Type the Horizon Agent tar ball path' -IsPassword $false
$UpgradeToManagedVM = GetInput -prompt 'Upgrade to managed VM ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if (($UpgradeToManagedVM -ne "yes") -AND $UpgradeToManagedVM -ne "no")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need select 'yes' or 'no'(case sensitive)"
$installSmartcard = GetInput -prompt 'Install the Smartcard redirection feature ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if (($installSmartcard -ne "yes") -AND $installSmartcard -ne "no")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need select 'yes' or 'no'(case sensitive)"

#$csvFile = Read-Host 'Csv File '
$csvFile = '.\CloneVMs.csv'

#check if file exists
if (!(Test-Path $agentInstaller))
write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "installer File not found"

#check if file exists
if (!(Test-Path $csvFile))
write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "CSV File not found"
function GetSourceInstallerMD5()
    $agentInstallerPath = Convert-Path $agentInstaller;
    $md5 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider;
    $md5HashWithFormat = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($agentInstallerPath)));
    $md5Hash = ($md5HashWithFormat.replace("-","")).ToLower();
    return $md5Hash;

#Get installer MD5Sum
$installerMD5Hash = GetSourceInstallerMD5;

#Connect to vCenter
$VC_Conn_State = Connect-VIServer $vcAddress -user $vcAdmin -password $vcPassword
   Write-Host 'Exit since failed to login vCenter'
  Write-Host 'vCenter is connected'

#Read input CSV file
$csvData = Import-CSV $csvFile

$destFolder = "/home/$guestUser/"

#Handle VMs one by one
foreach ($line in $csvData)
    $VMName = $line.VMName
    write-host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "VM: $VMName`n"
    $cmd = "rm -rf VMware-*-linux-*"
    Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd
    #Upload installer tar ball to Linux VM
    Write-Host "Upload File '$agentInstaller' to '$destFolder' of VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    Copy-VMGuestFile -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -LocalToGuest -Destination $destFolder -Source $agentInstaller

    #Check the uploaded installer md5sum
    $cmd = "md5sum VMware-*-linux-*"
    Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    $output = Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd

        Write-Host $VMName": Uploaded installer's MD5Sum matches the local installer's MD5Sum";
        Write-Host $VMName": Extract the installer and do installation";        
        $cmd = "tar -xzvf VMware-*-linux-*.tar.gz"
        Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
        Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd
        $cmd = "sudo setenforce 0";
        Write-Host "Set the selinux to permissive mode: $cmd"
        Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd

        $cmd = "sudo killall /usr/lib/vmware/viewagent/VMwareBlastServer/VMwareBlastServer"
        Write-Host "Stop VMwareBlastServer before upgrading: $cmd"
        Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd

        #Run the upgrade command.
        $cmd = "cd VMware-*-linux-* && sudo ./ -A yes -m $installSmartcard -M $UpgradeToManagedVM"
        Write-Host "Run upgrade cmd in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser': $cmd"
        Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd
        $cmd = "sudo shutdown -r +1&"
        Write-Host "Reboot to apply the Horizon Agent installation"
        Invoke-VMScript  -HostUser $hostAdmin -HostPassword $hostPassword -VM $VMName -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPassword -Confirm:$false -ScriptType Bash -ScriptText $cmd
        Write-Host $VMName": Uploaded installer's MD5Sum does NOT match the local installer's MD5Sum";
        Write-Host $VMName": Skip the installation. Please check your network and VMware Tools status";
Disconnect-VIServer $vcAddress -Confirm:$false

Script Execution

The following messages are from an execution of the script:

PowerCLI C:\scripts> .\InstallAgent.ps1
Accept Linux Horizon Agent EULA in tar bundle ("yes" or "no"): yes
Your vCenter address:
Your vCenter admin user name: administrator
Your vCenter admin user password: *******
Your ESXi host admin user name, such as root: root
Your ESXi host admin user password: *******
Your VM guest OS user name: HorizonUser
Your VM guest OS user password: *******
Type the Horizon Agent tar ball path. Please take care of the installer arch: .\VMware-viewagent-linux-x86_64-x.y.z-1234567.tar.gz
Upgrade to managed VM ("yes" or "no"): yes
Install the Smartcard redirection feature ("yes" or "no"): no