To use Smart Policies, your Horizon 7 environment must meet certain requirements.

  • You must install Horizon Agent 7.5 or later and VMware Dynamic Environment Manager 9.4 or later on the remote desktops that you want to manage with Smart Policies.
  • Users must use Horizon Client 4.8 or later to connect to remote Linux desktops that you manage with Smart Policies.
  • The DEMEnable option must be enabled and the DEMNetworkPath option must be set in the /etc/vmware/viewagent-custom.conf file. See Setting Options in Configuration Files on a Linux Desktop.
  • You must install the client packages for accessing network shared storage. On an Ubuntu 18.04 system, for example, install the nfs-common package for NFS-enabled shared storage and the cifs-utils package for Samba-enabled storage.