When you install Horizon Agent on a virtual machine that has more than one NIC, you must configure the subnet that Horizon Agent uses. The subnet determines which network address Horizon Agent provides to the Connection Server instance for client protocol connections.


  • On the virtual machine on which Horizon Agent is installed, open a command prompt, type regedit.exe and create a registry entry to configure the subnet.
    For example, in an IPv4 network: HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\IpPrefix = n.n.n.n/m (REG_SZ)
    In this example, n.n.n.n is the TCP/IP subnet and m is the number of bits in the subnet mask.
    Note: In releases earlier than Horizon 6 version 6.1, this registry path was HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Node Manager\subnet = n.n.n.n/m (REG_SZ). The old registry setting is not used with View Agent 6.1 or later. If you upgrade View Agent from an earlier release to version 6.1 or later, make sure to use the current registry setting.