Before you create an instant-clone desktop pool, you must add an instant-clone domain administrator to Horizon 7.


  • Verify that the instant-clone domain administrator has the required Active Directory domain privileges. For more information, see "Create a User Account for Instant-Clone Operations" in the Horizon 7 Installation document.


  1. In Horizon Console, select Settings > Instant Clone Domain Accounts.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the domain for the instant-clone domain administrator.
  4. Enter the user name and password.

What to do next

In Horizon Console, you can add or remove an instant-clone domain administrator or export the list of instant-clone administrators to Microsoft Excel. Navigate to Settings > Instant Clone Domain Accounts and select an instant-clone domain administrator. Click Edit to edit the domain and login information for the administrator. Click Remove to remove an administrator. Click the export icon to export the list of instant-clone administrators to a Microsoft Excel file.