You can use properties in the server-list section to configure a server list.

Property Description
server IP address or host name of the server.
username (Optional) Name of a user that is entitled to use the server.
domain (Optional) Domain of the user specified in the username property.
description (Optional) Description of the server.

The following JSON configuration file example shows a list of servers.

  "broker_list": "
          \"settings\": {
              \"server-list\": [{
                  \"server\": \"123.456.1.1\",
                  \"description\": \"View Server 1\",
                  \"username\": \"User1\",
                  \"domain\": \"TestDomain1\"
              }, {
                  \"server\": \"123.456.1.2\",
                  \"description\": \"View Server 2\",
                  \"username\": \"User2\",
                  \"domain\": \"TestDomain2\"
              }, {
                  \"server\": \"123.456.1.3\",
                  \"description\": \"View Server 3\",
                  \"username\": \"User3\",
                  \"domain\": \"TestDomain3\"
              }, {
                  \"server\": \"\",
                  \"description\": \"View Server 4\",
                  \"username\": \"User4\",
                  \"domain\": \"TestDomain4\"