You can use properties in the setting-list section to configure application settings. All the properties are optional.
Property | Description |
screen_scaling | Configures display scaling. Valid values are "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "Auto-fit", or "No Scaling". |
screen_resolution | Configures the screen resolution. Valid values are "1024*768", "1280*1024", "1600*1200", "Auto-fit", or "No Scaling". |
enable_log | Enables or disables the log collection feature. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
send_log_email | The email address, for example, "[email protected]", to send log files. This email address appears in the To: field by default when a user uses the log collection feature. See Manually Retrieve and Send Horizon Client Log Files. |
all_monitor | Enables or disables multiple-monitor mode. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
default_startscreen | Configures the Horizon Client default view. Valid values are "recent" or "servers". |
ssl_tls | Configures the security protocol, or protocols, that Horizon Client uses. Valid values are "tlsv1.1", "tlsv1.2", or "tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2". If you specify this property without a valid value, "tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2" is used. |
ssl_cipher_string | Specifies the default TLS cipher control string. |
security_mode | Configures the certificate checking mode. Valid values are "verify", "warn", or "don't verify". |
enable_h264 | Enables or disables H.264 decoding. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
enable_dpi_sync | Enables or disables the DPI synchronization feature. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
camera | Specifies whether to use the front or back camera on the device. Valid values are "front" or "rear". |
enable_unauthenticated_access | Enables or disables the Unauthenticated Access feature. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
The following JSON configuration file example includes application properties in the setting-list section.
{ "broker_list": " { \"settings\": { \"server-list\": [{ \"server\": \"123.456.1.1\", \"description\": \"View Server 1\", \"username\": \"User1\", \"domain\": \"TestDomain1\" }, { \"server\": \"123.456.1.2\", \"description\": \"View Server 2\", \"username\": \"User2\", \"domain\": \"TestDomain2\" }, { \"server\": \"123.456.1.3\", \"description\": \"View Server 3\", \"username\": \"User3\", \"domain\": \"TestDomain3\" }, { \"server\": \"\", \"description\": \"View Server 4\", \"username\": \"User4\", \"domain\": \"TestDomain4\" }], \"setting-list\": {\"screen_resolution\":\"1024*768\", \"send_log_email\":\"[email protected]\", \"enable_h264\":\"true\", \"all_monitor\":\"true\", \"default_startscreen\":\"recent\", \"ssl_cipher_string\":\"!aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES\", \"ssl_tls\":\"tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2\", \"security_mode\":\"verify\", \"camera\":\"front\", \"enable_dpi_sync\":\"true\", \"enable_log\":\"false\" \"enable_unauthenticated_access\":\"true\" } } }" }