By default, you can copy and paste plain text and HTML-format rich text from the client device to a remote desktop or published application.

You can also copy and paste plain text and HTML-format rich text from a remote desktop or published application to the client device, or between remote sessions, if a Horizon administrator enables these features. For example, you can copy and paste an image from one remote desktop to another remote desktop.

A Horizon administrator can configure the copy and paste feature so that copy and paste operations are allowed only from the client device to a remote desktop or published application, or only from a remote desktop or published application to the client device, or both, or neither.

When you copy and paste images and rich text, the following restrictions apply.

  • You cannot copy and paste images from a remote desktop or published application to the client device.
  • If the clipboard source is a Google app, such as Google Docs, you can copy and paste images only when the client device can access the Google website.
  • If you copy an image and rich text (or plain text) together from the client device, and the destination is an application that supports only rich text, such as WordPad, the image is discarded and only the text is copied and pasted. To copy and paste an image, you must select only the image. If the destination application supports HTML/XML-format rich text, such as Microsoft Word, this restriction does not apply.

You can copy a maximum of 64 KB of data from a remote desktop or published application to the client device. Plain text that exceeds this limit is truncated. Rich text is converted to plain text.

The clipboard can accommodate a maximum of 1 MB of data for all types of copy and paste operations. If the plain text and rich text data together use less than maximum clipboard size, the formatted text is pasted. Often the rich text cannot be truncated, so that if the text and formatting use more than the maximum clipboard size amount, the rich text is discarded, and plain text is pasted. If you are unable to paste all the formatted text you selected in one operation, you might need to copy and paste smaller amounts in each operation.

When copying images between different remote sessions, the maximum clipboard size is 1 MB.