With the USB redirection feature, you can use locally attached USB devices, such as thumb flash drives, in a remote desktop or published application.
When you use the USB redirection feature, most USB devices that are attached to the client device become available from a menu in Horizon Client. You use this menu to connect and disconnect the USB devices.
For information about USB device requirements and limitations for USB redirection, see "Using USB Devices with Remote Desktops and Applications" in the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.
- To redirect USB devices to a remote desktop or published application, a Horizon administrator must enable the USB redirection feature.
This task includes installing the USB Redirection component of Horizon Agent, and can include setting policies regarding USB redirection. For more information, see the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.
- Verify that the USB over Session Enhancement SDK feature is enabled on the remote desktop. For information, see "Enabling the USB Over Session Enhancement SDK Feature" in the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.
- Become familiar with USB Redirection Limitations.
The redirected USB device appears in the remote desktop or published application. A USB device might take up to 20 seconds to appear in a remote desktop or published application.