When you enable log collection, Horizon Client creates log files that contain information that can help VMware troubleshoot problems with Horizon Client.

Because log collection affects the performance of Horizon Client, enable log collection only if you are experiencing a problem.


Verify that an email client is available on the device. Horizon Client requires an email client to send log files.


  1. Open Settings and tap Log collection.
    • If you are connected to a remote desktop or published application in full-screen mode, tap the Horizon Client Tools radial menu icon and tap the gear icon.
    • If you are not using full-screen mode, tap Settings in the menu in the upper-right corner of the Horizon Client toolbar.
    • If you are not connected to a remote desktop or published application, tap the Settings (gear) icon in the upper-right corner of the Horizon Client window.
  2. Tap to toggle the Enable log option to on and tap OK to confirm your choice.


After log collection is enabled, Horizon Client generates a log file it quits unexpectedly or when it is exited and restarted.