If the remote desktop operating system stops responding, you might need to restart a remote desktop. Restarting a remote desktop is similar to using the Windows operating system restart command. The remote desktop operating system usually prompts you to save any unsaved data before it restarts.

You can restart a remote desktop only if a Horizon administrator has enabled the restart feature for the remote desktop and the remote desktop is powered on. You can restart only one remote desktop at a time.


  1. On the Servers tab, tap the server shortcut to connect to the server.
  2. If prompted, supply your RSA user name and passcode, your Active Directory user name and password, or both.
  3. Touch and hold the remote desktop shortcut until the context menu appears.
    You can perform this step from either the All or Favorites tab.
  4. Tap Restart in the context menu.


The operating system in the remote desktop restarts and the client disconnects and logs off from the remote desktop.

What to do next

Wait an appropriate amount of time for the system to restart before you attempt to reconnect to the remote desktop.

If restarting the remote desktop does not solve the problem, you might need to reset the remote desktop. See Reset a Remote Desktop or Published Applications.